Utility’s Clearfield, Utah Plant Recognized With Two Safety Awards
Earned both a TTMA and Liberty Mutual award
The industry’s best reefer is made at a factory with one of the trailer industry’s best safety records. Recently, Utility’s Clearfield plant earned two separate safety awards—The Truck Trailer Manufacturers Association (TTMA) “Category A” 2015 Plant Safety Award and Liberty Mutual’s Silver Safety Award. This is Clearfield’s fifth “Category A” award since 2005, and third Silver Award since 2001.
TTMA’s award is given to the large trailer manufacturer, with over 750,000 work-hours and the best overall safety record for cases with lost days. In 2015, Utility’s Clearfield plant had a lost-day case rate of only 0.15, representing only 2 lost-day cases out of over 1,130 employees, with over 2.7 million hours worked.

Utility Receives TTMA Plant Safety Award
Pictured, Left to Right: Joe Kiechler, Director of Purchasing | Mike Egbert, Plant Engineer | Gary Foy, Materials Manager | John Harris, Director of Manufacturing | Todd Smith, Plant Manager | Paul Bennett, Chairman and CEO | Stephen Bennett, Vice President | Jay Bills, Plant Superintendent | Dennis Wilson, EHS Manager | Joe Maylin, HR Manager
Liberty Mutual’s Silver Safety Award is based on a factory’s DART (Days Away, Restricted and Transferred) rate, and this is calculated from the number of hours worked relative to the number of accidents at the plant. Lower numbers of accidents result in lower DART rates. In 2015, Utility’s Clearfield plant had a DART rate of only 1.48, with over 2.7 million worked hours. The average DART rate for the trailer manufacturing industry was nearly three times higher, at 4.2.

Utility receives Liberty Mutual Award
Back row – left to right: Dennis Wilson, EHS Manager | Cary Day | Rowdy Steed | Justin Child | Bob Saunders | Scott Lerohl | Kim Carter, General Foremen | Todd Smith, Plant Manager | Rob Gardner, Liberty Mutual. Front row – left to right: James Gronwald, General Foreman | Jay Bills, Plant Superintendent | Mark Pobanz | Rich MacGoldrick, General Foremen | Steve Jenson, Night Superintendent | Doug Simonton, EHS Technician | Dave Thompson, Night EHS/HR Supervisor
“Our safety record is the result of a continuing emphasis by all our employees on preventing and managing incidents, and the company’s comprehensive Return to Work program. We’re honored to have this effort recognized by our peers at TTMA and by Liberty Mutual,” said Todd Smith, Utility’s Clearfield Plant Manager.
“We couldn’t have achieved these awards without the continuous focus by our employees on safety. We appreciate everyone’s efforts,” added Bob Griffis, Corporate Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) Manager for Utility Trailer Manufacturing Co. “We not only can feel proud of the quality of the trailers we build, but of the environment we build them in.”